Friday, March 30, 2007

Alyssa Lies

My little girl met a new friend,
just the other day,
on the playground at school between the tires and the swings
But she came home with tear-filled eyes,
and she said to me "Daddy, Alyssa lies"
Well I just brushed it off at first,
'cause I didn't know how much my little girl had been hurt
or the things she had seen.
I wasn't ready when I said "You can tell me"
and she said... "Alyssa lies to the classroom,
Alyssa lies everyday at school,
Alyssa lies to the teachers as she tries to cover every bruise"
My little girl laid her head down that night to go to sleep.
As I stepped out the room, I heard her say a prayer so soft and sweet
"God bless my mom and my Dad
and my new friend, Alyssa *oh*I know she needs you bad
Because Alyssa lies to the classroom,
Alyssa lies everyday at school,
Alyssa lies to the teachers as she tries to cover every bruise"
I had the worst night of sleep in years
as I tried to think of a way to calm her fears
I knew exactly what I had to do
but when we got to school on Monday I heard the news
My little girl asked me why everybody looked so sad
the lump in my throat grew bigger with every question that she asked.
Until I felt the tears run down my face
and I told her that Alyssa wouldn't be at school today
'Cause she doesn't lie in the classroom
she doesn't lie anymore at school
Alyssa lies with Jesus
because there's nothin' anyone would do
Tears filled my eyes
when my little girl asked me why
Alyssa lies *Oh Daddy, oh* Daddy tell me why Alyssa lies
By Jason Michael Carroll
This song made me cry the first time I heard it. I think this song makes people think, and realize what can happen if you stay quiet about suspicions of abuse.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Plus Size?¿

About half way through last season of America's Next top model, I became addicted. This season I was lucky enough to start the season from the beginning. I was very impressed to see that they finally had some girls on it with full figures. I thought this would be great for young girls to see and possibly help higher their self-esteem. Now this would be true, maybe if they didn't constantly refer to these girls as plus-size models. To call these girls plus-size models literally like 10 times during every episode can only lower young girls self-esteem. I've never really considered myself plus size, but according to this show I am. In fact pretty well everyone I know and have ever met are. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a constant thing. These girls are being defined by being plus-sized. I just think they should be considered models just like the rest of the girls and leave it at that. Even Tyra (who I love), seems to bring up the plus-size thing every time either of these girls is standing in front of her. As much as I love to see "plus-size" models in the competition, I think the idea is being ruined by using that reference so often. But I still adore the show:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Do Canadians Really Know Anything About Beer?

The first time I seen part one of the new Molson Canadian Beer commercials, I was fascinated and even more than that I was curious. What did it mean? The commercial shows a man in a suit walking down the street and he asks the question "Do Canadians really know anything about beer?". That was the entire commercial. There was absolutely no advertisement in the commercial. I was so confused. A few weeks later my questions were answered by part two of the commercials. In the second commercial it shows that it is a commercial for Molson Canadian Beer. Although this didn't make me want to drink Molson Canadian Beer, it certainly caught my attention. I found it very interesting.:P

Is Television Going Too Far?¿

A few weeks ago I was at my friends house when her room mate turned on South Park. The episode was about Chef returning to the show and being accused of being a pedophile. The episode was absolutely disgusting and made the serious crimes the pedophiles commit out to be some sort of joke. Lets just say we were all in shock, and we most definitely were not laughing. The show was not at all funny and had many disturbing scenes. I won't go into detail, because its just not necessary and makes me want to vomit at the thought of this being allowed on television. I don't really believe in censorship when in comes to T.V., but in my opinion this is too much. I can't believe anyone would think this is something that should be shown on T.V. I just do not see the need to make fun of something as serious and as unfunny as this subject on television.

A Little About Me

I would just like to start my blog by sharing a little about the things I like in the media. For starters, my favourite T.V. show's at the moment are Heroes and Grey's Anatomy. My favourite movie is probably The Notebook but there are so many great ones. I don't really listen to that much music, but when I do I pretty much like anything. I enjoy reading the newspaper on some occasions, although I really only read whatever looks interesting. I love books. My favourite author is Tess Geritsen. My 2 favourite books are A Child Called It and A Season Of Loss, A Lifetime Of Forgiveness. Those are probably the only books I could ever read more than once. Well I hope everyone enjoys reading each others blogs. This should be a fun semester.