Thursday, March 29, 2007

Plus Size?¿

About half way through last season of America's Next top model, I became addicted. This season I was lucky enough to start the season from the beginning. I was very impressed to see that they finally had some girls on it with full figures. I thought this would be great for young girls to see and possibly help higher their self-esteem. Now this would be true, maybe if they didn't constantly refer to these girls as plus-size models. To call these girls plus-size models literally like 10 times during every episode can only lower young girls self-esteem. I've never really considered myself plus size, but according to this show I am. In fact pretty well everyone I know and have ever met are. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a constant thing. These girls are being defined by being plus-sized. I just think they should be considered models just like the rest of the girls and leave it at that. Even Tyra (who I love), seems to bring up the plus-size thing every time either of these girls is standing in front of her. As much as I love to see "plus-size" models in the competition, I think the idea is being ruined by using that reference so often. But I still adore the show:)


PJ said...

love that show..totaly agree with you in every the way sensgirl..go toronto! :P just kidden!

Kise said...

I agree completely!! Its really annoying when Im in the mall and I walk by the "plus size" store, and the figures wearing the clothing in the front window are a regular size. I think that its not very common for people to be smaller than that, and to even have a store thats labelled for "bigger people" that are just normal size is depressing.

enigma said...

I have watched America's Next Top Model and I agree with you. It's so sad that the majority of North American's would be considered "plus size models" on America's Next Top Model and they all feel the need to bring it up every single second they can. I think that more of this so called plus sized models should have more jobs and be on the cover of magazines because a lot of models are way to small just to be "naturally skinny". Why should we, the consumers, buy in to somehting that is advertising eating disorders and that people who aren't a size 2 will not fit in to the rest of society?

hews said...

You all said it. I really like seeing these "bigger women" It really honestly bosts my self esteem. I think to myself if they look gorgeous and having a full figure. Why cant I ? =)

MzQbit said...

What is with this? I was thinking about this at the grocery store and the tabloids are all either "she's too fat" or "she's too thin"! Give us a break!