Monday, April 2, 2007

25 Women & 1 Guy....

The show the bachelor is about 25 women fighting to win the heart of one man. What makes this man special from other guys? Who knows. But for some reason all of these beautiful young and most often successful women are demeaning themselves on television in order to get this guy to fall in love with them. What self-respected women would want to date a guy while he's dating a bunch of other women at the same time. And to have to live with these other women. And to do all of this on national televison. What is wrong with these girls? Not to mention the awkwardness in the relationship he has with that women who wins his heart. I would think it would be a little awkward knowing that up until the very second you became engaged, he was dating at least one other woman. Do you really think that a man who thinks it okay for him to pick and chose through a bunch of women to find a wife is going to be faithful after getting a taste of dating 25 women at once. It's possible but it doesn't seem very promising. I just don't get it. I think these girls should get lives and find a man the right way.
How Cute:S Former Bachelor and the final two women.

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

as you already know, I find these shows unsettling and troubling and I think that they reveal a really pathetic side of our society. Yet, if I come across it, I can't turn the channel. Why are these shows so captivating, even when you know that they are garbage!