Friday, June 22, 2007

As The World Turns

At the Day Time Emmy's this year, I felt that my all time favourite soap opera, As The World Turns, did not receive the kind of love, respect and recognition I thought that they deserved. Now I have watch probably every soap at one time or another and religiously watch a number of them, and As The World Turns by far is the most creative, original and best written soap on the television. Unlike many soaps like Days of Our Lives, One Life To Live and Passions, the actors on As The World Turns can actually act. I don't even think it is the actors faults the probably all can act but it doesn't seem to appear that way on these shows. I'm not saying anything bad about these shows, in fact I am watching Days of Our Lives right now and it is one of the soaps I watch everyday. Thanks to satellite and time shifting or whatever it is called, I am able to watch my soaps after school on most days. Recently a former Days Of Our Lives star moved over to CBS and joined the cast of As The World Turns. It was like a complete turn around. He could act really well and didn't say all of the cheesy things that he had to say on his former show. Well I just feel that they should have gotten a little bit more love at the awards. However my favourite actress on the show, Maura West(Carly) won an award. I was pretty happy about that considering she beat out some other great actresses like Kim Zimmer(Reva on Guiding Light), the woman who plays Catherine on Y&R, and the woman who plays my favourite character on Y&R, the character of Phyllis. But oh well:P just my opinion. Any soap opera watchers out there? Let me know what your favourite show is.

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