Thursday, June 21, 2007


YAY. I am super happy. School is finally over. At about 10:00a.m. I finished my final exam which was in Media Studies. I have to say it feels damn good to have two months to relax and enjoy the nice weather. Oh ya and work:S. And my birthday is this summer so I am looking forward to that. The big 19. Bar time:P. I can't wait. One plan I have for the summer is to head up to Wonderland and maybe do a little shopping in Toronto. I miss Wonderland. It has been way to long:P. Well, the semester went pretty quick and was fairly fun in regards to classes. Well I will miss Ernestown, I guess:P in some ways. I will definitely miss you MzQbit. You are for sure one of my favourite teachers. Have a great summer. Well I just had to spread my excitement.


MzQbit said...

Linz- did you write the last question on the exam about how facebook has changed your life - or did I misplace it??????????? Let me know!!!! ( just attach it to this post and I will obsessively look here)

MzQbit said...

Okay, I just read that you have never seen Arrested Development. I know I'm not really your teacher anymore, but your project is to watch it. It's a comedy about a dysfunctional family. I would lend it to you, but I unfortunately only own season 2. After you watch season 1 you can borrow it. Now go! watch it. It will change your life. In a funny, unimportant way.

sensgirl1512 said...

I thought I had finished it:S Would you be able to write the question on here and I'll answer it for you if possible? Was it just how facebook has changed my life? How long does it have to be?

MzQbit said...

sorry, when I said obsessively, I forgot I was going away for the weekend. You know what, the marks are already in, and since you got perfect on every other question on the exam, it didn't affect your final mark significantly, so no worries - you got a great mark.

sensgirl1512 said...

Okay....if possible could you let me know my final mark when you know it on here if you get a chance. Thanks!

MzQbit said...

Your final mark was an 87. Excellent work! PS. Your blog is looking good!

Blog Mark: 100
Documentary: 84

sensgirl1512 said...

Thanks MzQbit!