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Im Lost
So how about that Lost season finale last night? Are you freaking kidding me? They get off the island? I don't really know what to think about that. I just hope they have somewhere really good to go with that story-line. After a surprisingly disappointing season of Lost, they certainly surprised me in the finale. I'm not to sure if it was a good surprise or not, but definitely a surprise. I think the episode was really well done last night. My favourite part was when Jack told Kate he loved her. I've been waiting for that one for three seasons now:P The one thing I find very odd is that in the flash forwards:P, Ja
ck talks about father as if he is still alive in more than one scene. In one part he says "Go up stairs and get my father. If he's less drunk than I am, you can fire me." or something along those lines. Weird if you ask me:P Well, it sucks that I won't find out what is going on until January 2008.:S Seems so far away, maybe cuz it is:P I think the worst part about that is wondering if Charlie is okay:P.
I have been doing some research, and all signs point to Charlie being dead - which is sad, although he wasn't my absolute favourite. Also, I have had many conversations about this Jack's dad thing aswell because it's been bugging me too, but most people think he was just really drunk and meant it metaphorically or soemthing. I mean, his dad was DEAD - quite dead, right? Well, I wonder if we will be seeing more flashforwards now - and if they will be constant or ever changing, because their futures can change right? I mean, look at Desmond. He changed the future. There was talk that had Desmond not saved Charlie, it would have been Penny in that suit rather than whatshername. oh,,,, so many theories!
I still kind of think that Jack's dad is alive. Afterall the coffin was found on the island, but his body never was. I think he has a lot more to do with everything then we realize. Just another theory:P
Oh, so you think he might have staged his death? But then, why would he come back to his life in the hospital? Wasn't he fired? Oh ... Jan 08 is tooo long to wait!
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