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"How am I Supposed to Heal When I Can't Feel Time?"
Memento is one of those movies that has you still thinking about it long after you've pressed the stop button. It is more a puzzle th
an a movie and is one of the most original concepts for a thriller movie that I have ever seen. The movie is about a man who due to the condition he developed after being whacked over the head, wakes up each morning without any memory of his life since the day his wife was raped and murdered. It is like he can not feel time and all he knows about his present life is that he is on a mission to find the man who killed his wife. The man, Leonard, leaves notes everywher
e in order to remind himself of the things his mind will no longer allow him to remember. For more important facts, he tattoos the information on to his body. He also takes pictures of people and places which he scribbles notes on the back of, in order to remember them. Because the movie went backwards, I feel like while I was watching the movie, I understood how Leonard felt because throughout each scene I had no idea where it was in the movie or what had happened before than. It was impossible to draw a conclusion about any characters until the very end because each scene brought new secr
ets and unexpected details about each one. I also think that this is a movie that could be watched a thousand times, only during your thousandth time to notice something that you had missed the first nine hundred and ninety nine times. I found that this was a very good movie with many unexpected and creative plot twists. The end of the movie, really being the beginning, left me with new questions which were left without answers. Which I guess in one positive aspect, leaves the movie open to anyones opinion and interpretation. In conclusion, this was a very good creative movie that may need to be watched more than once in order to feel completely satisfied.
I agree with your comment about watching it over and over. That was my third time watching it (once in the theatre, once when it came out on dvd, and then when we watched it) and I think I am just starting to really get it. I like a movie that I wish I could call up the writer or the director to and have lunch with him/her. I'd have so many questions.
By the way, quite unrelated, but you reminded me of it when you were talking about things you can watch over and over again, have we discussed Arrested Development before? Have you seen it? I hope so because I am positive that you would LOVE it. I will check back to this post to see your response, but please, rush out and watch it!
I actually have never seen it. What is it about? I will try and download an episode and check it out!
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