Monday, April 2, 2007

Ring The Bell On Hockey Fights?

In this morning's Kingston Whig-Standard on page 5, was an article about taking fighting out of the NHL. The writer of this article (scout for NHL's Phoenix Coyotes) wrote "Given the size and strength of today's players, if fighting continues, someone will be killed". Seriously, it's not as if the refs would ever allow a fight to continue to a point where someone is going to be killed". Sure there has been incidents where players have been seriously injured fighting. But what about everything else that injures players? I mean, should they take away body contact all together? Even the icing call. Many players have been seriously hurt chasing for the puck in order to get the call. So I guess that should go too.:S and to say that "Someone IS GOING TO BE KILLED? That's a bit far fetched. Like he's guaranteeing it is going to happen?The writer went on to ask "Is hockey entertainment or a sport?" I thought that was the point of sports, to be entertained. For both the players and the spectators. Why else would people have invented sports. Clearly they were bored and wanted to be entertained. He wrote this in response to Don Cherry saying "We gotta play the game, people are paying money, it's entertainment". And it's true. People pay big money to watch their favourite teams play. Of course they want to be entertained. He even states how much the fans love it more than once in the article. I personally know people who will randomly turn on a hockey game in hopes of catching a fight. A game a few years ago a game between the Ottawa Senators and Philadelphia Flyer's turned into a huge brawl. The highlights from this game received higher ratings than the game itself. Now would that many people tune in to watch a huge hockey brawl if they didn't want to see fighting? Or if they didn't find it entertaining? I doubt it. The writer also talks about the sizes of the players today. Yes they may be bigger than back in the day, but it's not like you're gonna see a 6"4, 240lbs player go at a 5"11 180lbs guy. I think if anything, if fighting were to be taken out of the league, there would be more incidents with players taking cheap shots and swinging sticks at each other etc. because of frustration. Fighting has always been part of the game. And like Gary Bettman says "fighting is still a part of hockey" and "We've never taken active steps or considered eliminating fighting from the game. I've always taken the view that it's part of the game and it rises and lowers based on what the game dictates". Well since he's the commissioner of the league and all, I'm thinking it should be left at that. The majority of fans and players love it. I know I do. I would be very disappointed if it were to ever go. You can read this article a the following website: If ya notice, the first line of the article is "To fight or nor to fight". Uhhhh what? Nor to fight? That makes sense:S The guy didn't even check for spelling mistakes.

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

You have put a lot of thought into this issue.